
I’m an award-winning literary translator based in Melbourne, Aus.

I translate mainly prose (fiction and non-fiction) from Spanish to English.

I have seven published book-length translations to date, some of which have won prizes; and I’ve translated quite a few short stories, essays and the odd poem in literary journals and anthologies.

If you’re looking for a translator (entire works, samples in Spanish …), or someone to do a reader’s report on a work in Spanish that you are considering for publication, please get in touch.

I’m also an interviewer, moderator, comentator/lecturer and academic researcher (Spanish literatures and cultures).

I give talks on Spain-related and translation topics, and organise and participate in visits to Australia by Spanish-speaking writers.

Languages: I’m fluent in English and Spanish, and have varying levels of fluency in Czech, French, German, Catalan, and Italian.

President, Australian Association for Literary Translation (AALITRA)


I’m multilingual and multi-cultural, and this is reflected in my professional and personal interests. My book-length translations include the recen released graphic novel version of The Librarian of Auschwitz, a novel based on the life and times of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Prince of the Skies (2019, Antonio Iturbe), the bestselling The Librarian of Auschwitz (2017, Antonio Iturbe), Australian Connection (2019, multiple authors, trilingual anthology), and two futuristic novels by Rosa Montero: Tears in Rain (2012), and Weight of the Heart. (2016).

My career as a literary translator began seriously after I finally retired as a full-time academic in 2011.

My academic career path crosses several international borders. I began learning Spanish at McGill University in Canada, and completed my PhD at the University of Toronto, specialising in the work of contemporary Spanish women writers.

After several years as a tutor in the Spanish Departments at the Universities of Toronto & Calgary, I moved to Australia in 1981. That saw the start of almost thirty years as an academic at La Trobe, including periods as Head of the Spanish Program and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences.

After a brief period of retirement, I returned to La Trobe for eighteen months as Acting Director of the Academic Language and Learning Unit, overseeing the implementation of the Unit's restructure. In 2011, I became an Adjunct/Honorary member of the university, and in October 2022, was named an Adjunct Professor (Spanish Studies), with a focus on literary translation.

In 2016, I was awarded Spain’s Order of Civil Merit for my promotion of Spanish literatures and cultures in Australia.

For more information on my Academic career, see here