Published Translations of Short Stories & Poetry:

(2023) 423 Colours [Excerpts + Judge’s Report + Translator’s Statement]” by Gallardo & Avendaño, in Meniscus Literary Journal, vol II, issue 2, pp 230-243.

(2020) “Portrait of an Artist” and “Ant Rescue” (Ana Merino; illustrations Sergio García) in Dúplex. Poesía y Cómic. Ediciones Marmotilla, Spain.

(2019) “Absence” (Cristina Fernández Cubas). English translation with brief commentary in In Translation, Brooklyn Rail. Special issue, Nov 2019.

(2016) Translated by Lilit Žekulin Thwaites & Carlos Uxó. Poetry & biography of Iriaka Stevens in Twelve Heavens, Ngā Rangi Tekau-Mā-Rua, Doce cielos. A Trilingual Anthology of Māori Poetry, ed. Mirtha Álvarez. Auckland, New Zealand: Letras Latinas Publishing House, pp. 71-90. 

(2014) “The Dynamic Flutter of Dragonfly Wings” (Alberto Zelaya) and “Journey to Vienna” (Tatiana Goded Millan). In Letras Latinas 1st Short Story Competition, ed. Mirtha Álvarez. Auckland, New Zealand: Letras Latinas Publishing House, pp. 19-28 and 41-52.

(2014) “The Child Who Had No Wings” (P. Díaz-Mas). English translation with brief commentary. In Lunch Ticket. Issue 6 (Translation section) at

(May 2011) “The Song of Youth” (M. Roig). English translation with brief author introduction. In Litro Magazine, Issue 106: “Catalonia and Passion”.

(March 2010) “This Is Not a Short Story” (C. Riera) and “It Wasn’t the Wisteria” (Neus Aguado). English translations with commentary. In The AALITRA Review. A Journal of Literary Translation. No 1: 5-15.  See also 

Published Translations of Non-Fiction

(2022) “Europe’s Invention of Sevilla” (Rosa Montero). For Salzburg Festival ‘Jahresprogramm Pfingsten 2022’ Programme.

(2015) “Scatological Tales, Sordid Images” (Fernando Castro Flórez) and “TrashLation, a Self-Portrait of World Consumption” (Basurama). In TrashLation, ed. Basurama (Juana Arana, Mónica Gutiérrez, Alberto Nanclares). Hard Cover Catalogue for Exhibition, printed in Oman, Sept 2015, 10-12; 13-17. 


(2022) Review of Translating Myself and Others by Jhumpa Lahiri. Princeton University Press, 2022, 208pp. In The Age (Spectrum), 23 July 2023, p. 104.

Translations Forthcoming:

(2024) Translation of Cruzar el agua (Luisa Etxenike) to be published by Sundial House

Unpublished Translations of Books, Chapters, Articles, & Samples:

(2022-21) Translation samples of adult & YA novels by Rosa Montero, J. Pellicer, F. Narla, A. Iturbe, M. Rodríguez, I. Rosa, for various Spanish literary agencies/publishers [3500-5000 words each].

(2020) Translation samples of novels by Elia Barceló, Pilar Tena, A. González Sinde, L. Silva & C. Posadas for 5 Spanish literary agencies/publishers [5-6000 words each].

(2007) Mrs Grose’s English Classes. English translation of El verano del inglés (Carme Riera). (commissioned, Carmen Balcells on behalf of the author; submitted to Agencia Balcells, Barcelona [31,989 words].

(2007) “The Los Vilos Garden”. English translation of the chapter, Jardín Los Vilos, in Los jardines de Juan Grimm (Juan Grimm). Commissioned, W Forge, specialist in landscape gardens, Melbourne, Australia.

(2007) “Australian Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939.”  English translation of “Voluntarios australianos en la guerra civil española 1936-39”. Commissioned by R. Trembath, (U of Melbourne).